`/husksync migrate`| Migrate data from MPDB | _Console-only_
## Developers
### API
Coming soon!
HuskSync currently has a few API events (located in the api module) which developers can use to detect when player data synchronisation has completed, or to update Player Data:
* **SyncCompleteEvent** - Fires when a player's data has finished synchronising. Use #getData to get the PlayerData being set.
* **SyncEvent** - Fires just before a player's data is synchronised. Can be cancelled. Use #getData to get the PlayerData being set, and #setData to set it.
### Contributing
A code bounty program is in place for HuskSync, where developers making significant code contributions to HuskSync may be entitled to a discretionary license to use HuskSync in commercial contexts without having to purchase the resource, so please feel free to submit pull requests with improvements, fixes and features!
### Translation
While the code bounty program is not available for translation contributors, they are still strongly appreciated in making the plugin more accessible. If you'd like to contribute translated message strings for your language, you can submit a Pull Request that creates a .yml file in `bungeecord/src/main/resources/languages` with the correct translations.
### Building
To build HuskSync you will first need to download MySqlPlayerDataBridge and `mvn install:install-file` the jar file to your local maven repository.