data_manager_management_buttons:'[Manage:](gray) [[❌ 删除…]](#ff3300 show_text=&7点击删除此数据备份.\n这不会影响玩家当前的数据.\n&#ff3300&⚠ 此操作不可撤销! suggest_command=/husksync:userdata delete %1% %2%) [[⏪ 恢复…]](#00fb9a show_text=&7点击让玩家恢复到此数据备份.\n这将会使玩家的数据恢复到这个备份.\n&#ff3300&⚠ %1% 当前的用户数据会被备份数据所覆盖! suggest_command=/husksync:userdata restore %1% %2%) [[※ Pin/Unpin…]](#d8ff2b show_text=&7Click to pin or unpin this user data snapshot\n&8Pinned snapshots won''t be automatically rotated run_command=/userdata pin %1% %2%)'
data_manager_system_buttons:'[System:](gray) [[⏷ File Dump…]](dark_gray show_text=&7Click to dump this raw user data snapshot to a file.\n&8Data dumps can be found in ~/plugins/HuskSync/dumps/ run_command=/husksync:userdata dump %1% %2% file) [[☂ Web Dump…]](dark_gray show_text=&7Click to dump this raw user data snapshot to the mc-logs service\n&8You will be provided with a URL containing the data. run_command=/husksync:userdata dump %1% %2% web)'
data_list_title:'[%1%''s user data snapshots:](#00fb9a) [(%2%-%3% of](#00fb9a) [%4%](#00fb9a bold)[)](#00fb9a)\n'
data_list_item:'[%1%](gray show_text=&7User Data Snapshot for %2%&8⚡ %4% run_command=/userdata view %2% %3%) [%5%](#d8ff2b show_text=&7Pinned:\n&8Pinned snapshots won''t be automatically rotated. run_command=/userdata view %2% %3%) [%6%](color=#ffc43b-#f5c962 show_text=&7Version timestamp:&7\n&8When the data was saved\n&8%7% run_command=/userdata view %2% %3%) [⚑ %8%](#23a825-#36f539 show_text=&7Save cause:\n&8What caused the data to be saved run_command=/userdata view %2% %3%) [⏏ %9%](color=#62a9f5-#7ab8fa show_text=&7Snapshot size:&7\n&8Estimated file size of the snapshot (in KiB) run_command=/userdata view %2% %3%)'
reload_complete:'[HuskSync](#00fb9a bold) [| 插件配置和语言文件已重载.](#00fb9a)\n[⚠ Ensure config files are up-to-date on all servers!](#00fb9a)\n[A restart is needed for config changes to take effect.](#00fb9a italic)'
error_invalid_syntax:':](#ff3300) [格式错误, 使用方法:](#ff7e5e) [%1%](#ff7e5e italic show_text=&#ff7e5e&Click to suggest suggest_command=%1%)'