error_console_command_only:'[Error:](#ff3300) [That command can only be run through the %1% console](#ff7e5e)'
error_no_servers_proxied:'[Error:](#ff3300) [Failed to process operation; no servers are online that have HuskSync installed. Please ensure HuskSync is installed on both the Proxy server and all servers you wish to synchronise data between.](#ff7e5e)'
error_invalid_cluster:'[Error:](#ff3300) [Please specify the ID of a valid cluster.](#ff7e5e)'
error_no_data_to_display:'[Error:](#ff3300) [Could not find any user data to display.](#ff7e5e)'
error_invalid_version_uuid:'[Error:](#ff3300) [Could not find any user data for that version UUID.](#ff7e5e)'
inventory_viewer_opened:'[Viewing snapshot of](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold) [''s inventory as of ⌚ %2%](#00fb9a)'
ender_chest_viewer_opened:'[Viewing snapshot of](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold) [''s Ender Chest as of ⌚ %2%](#00fb9a)'
data_update_complete:'[🔔 Your data has been updated!](#00fb9a)'
data_manager_title: '[Viewing user data snapshot for](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold show_text=&7UUID:%2%)[:](#00fb9a)'
data_manager_versioning: '[⌚ %1%](gray show_text=&7Version timestamp: &7When the data was saved) [⚡ %2%](gray show_text=&7Version UUID: &7%3%) [⚑ %4%](gray show_text=&7Save cause:&7Whatcaused the data to be saved)'
data_manager_title:'[Viewing user data snapshot](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a show_text=&7Version UUID:\\n&8%2%) [for](#00fb9a) [%3%](#00fb9a bold show_text=&7Player UUID:\\n&8%4%)[:](#00fb9a)'
data_manager_timestamp:'[⌚ %1%](#ffc43b-#f5c962 show_text=&7Version timestamp:\\n&7When the data was saved)'
data_manager_cause:'[⚑ %1%](#23a825-#36f539 show_text=&7Save cause:\\n&7What caused the data to be saved)\\n'
data_manager_advancements_statistics: '[⭐ Advancements: %1%](color=#ffc43b-#f5c962 show_text=&7%2%) [⌛ Play Time:%3%ʜʀs](color=#62a9f5-#7ab8fa show_text=&7⚠ Based on in-game statistics)'
data_manager_item_buttons:'[[🪣 Inventory…]](color=#a17b5f-#f5b98c show_text=&7Click to view run_command=/inventory %1% %2%) [[⌀ Ender Chest…]](#b649c4-#d254ff show_text=&7Click to view run_command=/enderchest %1% %2%)'
data_manager_management_buttons: '[Manage:](gray) [[❌ Delete…]](#ff3300 show_text=&7Click to delete this user data run_command=/userdata delete %1% %2%) [[⏪ Restore…]](#00fb9a show_text=&7Click to restore this user data. &#ff3300&⚠ Warning:%1%''s current data will be overwritten! run_command=/userdata delete %1% %2%)'
data_manager_item_buttons:'[[🪣 Inventory…]](color=#a17b5f-#f5b98c show_text=&7Click to view run_command=/inventory %1% %2%) [[⌀ Ender Chest…]](#b649c4-#d254ff show_text=&7Click to view run_command=/enderchest %1% %2%)\\n'
data_manager_management_buttons: '[Manage:](gray) [[❌ Delete…]](#ff3300 show_text=&7Click to delete this user data run_command=/userdata restore %1% %2%) [[⏪ Restore…]](#00fb9a show_text=&7Click to restore this user data.\\n&#ff3300&⚠ Warning:%1%''s current data will be overwritten! run_command=/userdata delete %1% %2%)\\n'
data_list_title: '[List of](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold show_text=&7UUID:%2%)[''s user data snapshots:](#00fb9a)'
data_list_item:'[%1%](gray run_command=/userdata view %6% %4%) [⌚ %2%](color=#ffc43b-#f5c962 show_text=&7Version timestamp&7When the data was saved run_command=/userdata view %6% %4%) [⚡ %3%](color=#62a9f5-#7ab8fa show_text=&7Version UUID:&7%4% run_command=/userdata view %6% %4%) [⚑ %5%](#23a825-#36f539 show_text=&7Save cause&7What caused the data to be saved run_command=/userdata view %6% %4%)'
data_list_title: '[List of](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold show_text=&7UUID:%2%)[''s user data snapshots:](#00fb9a)\\n'
data_list_item:'[%1%](gray run_command=/userdata view %6% %4%) [%2%](color=#ffc43b-#f5c962 show_text=&7Version timestamp&7When the data was saved run_command=/userdata view %6% %4%) [⚡ %3%](color=#62a9f5-#7ab8fa show_text=&7Version UUID:&7%4% run_command=/userdata view %6% %4%) [⚑ %5%](#23a825-#36f539 show_text=&7Save cause&7What caused the data to be saved run_command=/userdata view %6% %4%)'
data_deleted:'[❌ Successfully deleted user data snapshot](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a show_text=&7Version UUID:\\n&7%2%) [for](#00fb9a) [%3%.](#00fb9a show_text=&7Player UUID:\\n&7%4%)'
data_restored:'[⏪ Successfully restored](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a show_text=&7Player UUID:\\n&7%2%)[''s current user data from snapshot](#00fb9a) [%3%.](#00fb9a show_text=&7Version UUID:\\n&7%4%)'