This page contains the configuration file reference for HuskSync. The config file is located in `/plugins/HuskSync/config.yml` ## Example config
config.yml ```yaml # ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ # ┃ HuskSync Config ┃ # ┃ Developed by William278 ┃ # ┣━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ # ┣╸ Information: # ┗╸ Documentation: language: en-gb check_for_updates: true cluster_id: '' debug_logging: false database: credentials: # Database connection settings host: localhost port: 3306 database: HuskSync username: root password: pa55w0rd parameters: ?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false connection_pool: # MySQL connection pool properties maximum_pool_size: 10 minimum_idle: 10 maximum_lifetime: 1800000 keepalive_time: 0 connection_timeout: 5000 table_names: users: husksync_users user_data: husksync_user_data redis: credentials: # Redis connection settings host: localhost port: 6379 password: '' use_ssl: false synchronization: # Synchronization settings max_user_data_snapshots: 5 save_on_world_save: true save_on_death: false save_empty_drops_on_death: true compress_data: true notification_display_slot: ACTION_BAR synchronise_dead_players_changing_server: true network_latency_milliseconds: 500 features: health: true statistics: true persistent_data_container: false hunger: true ender_chests: true advancements: true location: false game_mode: true potion_effects: true locked_maps: false inventories: true max_health: true experience: true blacklisted_commands_while_locked: [] event_priorities: join_listener: LOWEST quit_listener: LOWEST death_listener: NORMAL ```
## Messages files You can customize the plugin locales, too, by editing your `messages-xx-xx.yml` file. This file is formatted using [MineDown syntax]( For more information, see [[Translations]].