> **Warning:** Fabric support is currently in beta and is not production ready yet. Customers can get in touch on Discord to request the Fabric build, or you can self-compile. This will walk you through installing HuskSync on your network of Spigot or Fabric servers. ## Requirements > **Warning:** Mixing and matching Fabric/Spigot servers is not supported, and all servers must be running the same Minecraft version. > **Note:** Please also note some specific legacy Paper/Purpur versions are [not compatible](Unsupported-Versions) with HuskSync. * A MySQL Database (v8.0+) * **OR** a MariaDB, PostrgreSQL or MongoDB database, which are also supported * A Redis Database (v5.0+) — see [[FAQs]] for more details. * Any number of Spigot servers, connected by a BungeeCord or Velocity-based proxy (Minecraft v1.17.1+, running Java 17+) * **OR** a network of Fabric servers, connected by a Fabric proxy (Minecraft v1.20.1, running Java 17+) ## Setup Instructions ### 1. Install the jar - Place the plugin jar file in the `/plugins/` or `/mods/` directory of each Spigot/Fabric server respectively. - You do not need to install HuskSync as a proxy plugin. - _Spigot users_: You can additionally install [ProtocolLib](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/protocollib.1997/) or [PacketEvents](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/packetevents-api.80279/) for better locked user handling. - _Fabric users_: Ensure the latest Fabric API mod jar is installed! ### 2. Restart servers - Start, then stop every server to let HuskSync generate the [[config file]]. - HuskSync will throw an error in the console and disable itself as it is unable to connect to the database. You haven't set the credentials yet, so this is expected. ### 3. Enter Mysql & Redis database credentials - Navigate to the new config file on each server (`~/plugins/HuskSync/config.yml` on Spigot, `~/config/husksync/config.yml` on Fabric) - Under `credentials` in the `database` section, enter the credentials of your (MySQL/MariaDB/MongoDB/PostgreSQL) Database. You shouldn't touch the `connection_pool` properties. - Under `credentials` in the `redis` section, enter the credentials of your Redis Database. If your Redis server doesn't have a password, leave the password blank as it is. - Unless you want to have multiple clusters of servers within your network, each with separate user data, you should not change the value of `cluster_id`.
MongoDB users — additional instructions - Navigate to the HuskSync config file on each server (`~/plugins/HuskSync/config.yml`) - Set `type` in the `database` section to `MONGO` - Under `credentials` in the `database` section, enter the credentials of your MongoDB Database. You shouldn't touch the `connection_pool` properties. - Under `parameters` in the `mongo_settings` section, ensure the specified `&authSource=` matches the database you are using (default is `HuskSync`). #### Additional setup for MongoDB Atlas - Set `using_atlas` in the `mongo_settings` section to `true`. - Remove `&authSource=HuskSync` from `parameters` in the `mongo_settings`. (The `port` setting in `credentials` is disregarded when using Atlas.)
Pterodactyl self-hosts — Redis setup instructions If you are hosting your Redis server on the same node as your servers, you need to use `` as your host (or equivalent if you changed your network settings), and bind it in the Redis config `nano /etc/redis/redis.conf`. You will also need to uncomment the `requirepass` directive and set a password to allow outside connections, or disable `protected-mode`. Once a password is set and Redis is restarted `systemctl restart redis`, you will also need to update the password in your pterodactyl `.env` (`nano /var/www/pterodactyl/.env`) and refresh the cache `cd /var/www/pterodactyl && php artisan config:clear`. You may also need to allow connections from your firewall depending on your distribution.
### 4. Set server names in server.yml files - Navigate to the server name file on each server (`~/plugins/HuskSync/server.yml` on Spigot, `~/config/husksync/server.yml` on Fabric) - Set the `name:` of the server in this file to the ID of this server as defined in the config of your proxy (e.g., if this is the "hub" server you access with `/server hub`, put `'hub'` here) ### 5. Start every server again - Provided your MySQL and Redis credentials were correct, synchronization should begin as soon as you start your servers again. - If you need to import data from HuskSync v1.x or MySQLPlayerDataBridge, please see the guides below: - [[Legacy Migration]] - [[MPDB Migration]]