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# [![HuskSync banner](](
Welcome! This is the plugin documentation for HuskSync v3.x+. Please click through to the topic you'd like to read about.
## Guides
* 📚 [[Setup]]
* 📄 [[Config File]]
* 🔗 [[Troubleshooting]]
* ↪️ [[Data Rotation]]
* ↗️ [[Legacy Migration]]
* ✨ [[MPDB Migration]]
* 🎏 [[Translations]]
* ❓ [[FAQs]]
## Documentation
* 🖥️ [[Commands]]
* ✅ [[Sync Features]]
* ⚙️ [[Sync Modes]]
* 🟩 [[Plan Hook]]
* ☂️ [[Dumping UserData]]
* 📋 [[Event Priorities]]
* ⚔️ [[Keep Inventory]]
* 📦 [[API]] v3
* 📝 [[Data Snapshot API]]
* 📝 [[Custom Data API]]
* ❗ [[API Events]]
* 🕸️ [[API v2]] _(Legacy)_
## Links
* 💻 [GitHub](
* 📂 [Buy HuskSync](
* 🚰 [Spigot](
* 🛒 [Polymart](
* ⚒️ [BuiltByBit](
* 💬 [Discord Support](